Our Vision

To be a leading company in the Production and Marketing of fresh cut flowers in the Country, where our product stands out for the high-Quality Standards that comply with principles of sustainability, environmental care and Social Responsibility.


Our Mission

Ambiente Ayurá

AYURA SAS is a company dedicated to the production and marketing of fresh cut flowers with the highest standards of quality and good agricultural practices that generate added value to the sector, our processes are conducted under continuous improvement principles, guaranteeing our customers the satisfaction of obtaining a product of optimum quality in the market that complies with the principles of Social Responsibility and Care of the Environment.

Socio-Environmental Policy

In AYURA SAS we promote the planning and execution of the processes of continuous improvement in the production and commercialization of fresh cut flowers, in accordance with the High Quality Standards, Good Agricultural Practices and Sustainable Development, guaranteeing the protection of the Health and Wellbeing of our workers, the Improvement of the Quality of Life, committed to the care of the Environment and complying with the Current Legislation of our country.



Flores Colombianas


Ayura Eclipse Pride Flowers


Our Corporate Values

Bearing in mind that our company AYURA SAS is of importance an integral approach in the development of the productive processes where not only the compliance with the Product Quality Standards is approached, but where it is sought to guarantee the ethics in the interpersonal relationships as an approach basic for the development of people and improvement of the quality of life, with the members of our organization we defined the following values ​​with which we seek to be identified not only within our company but by our Customers and work environment:


In AYURA S.A.S we must be coherent in thinking and acting. We put our values ​​into practice, we act with rectitude and adherence to these principles. We are people who can be trusted, our behaviors inside and outside the company reflect the values ​​that characterize us. In AYURA S.A.S When a promise is made, it is intended to fulfill it. We agree with many experts on ethical issues thinking that "Integrity is our internal strength that makes us stay true to our principles".


In AYURA S.A.S Respect is an essential value in our interpersonal relationships, we treat in a kind and courteous manner those who are part of our organization creating an atmosphere of security and cordiality. We understand that all people are different with limitations and virtues. We do not allow the Offenses and we do not let Violence become the means to impose criteria, thus guaranteeing real spaces for dialogue and teamwork.


In AYURA SAS we always behave and express ourselves with the TRUTH, we consider that this is the path for a Fair Organization, We are Honest being always sincere in relationships, we fulfill our commitments and obligations without deception and without cheating, we take special care in the management of common economic and material goods and of our colleagues. Our decision-making is honest within the Legal Framework and Common Well-Being. This is how we inspire Credibility for our colleagues, Customers and environment.


In AYURA SAS each person gives everything of itself to achieve our joint objectives, everything we are we align to achieve our organizational goals, we know that to fulfill our promises demands a constant and firm work, but only with the COMMITMENT we transform these promises into actions, that is to say in AYURA SAS is the action that speaks more than the words because only in this way can we grow as people and as a company.


In AYURA S.A.S we make decisions consciously and accept the consequences of our actions, we are always willing to give an account of them. Each one of us assumes the consequences of our words, actions and commitments acquired with others. We act in accordance with the rules and procedures that allow the continuous improvement of our Company.


In AYURA SAS each of its members shares their individual talents because we think of Team and work as a team, we know that coordinating and integrating efforts of each one guarantees success, we feel part of the same cause, that is how our groups become in Teams because only then we multiply the results. In AYURA S.A.S we work as a team in solidarity, actively participating with a vocation for service, and what is more important we convert the diversity of opinions into a source of enrichment by strengthening our communicative competencies and resolving conflicts through dialogue.

It is also important to emphasize that within the Culture of our company AYURA SAS we have a motto that reflects the principles and values ​​that should regulate our behavior in the workplace "CARING WORK IS LASTING WORK", phrase that seeks to be the motivation of those who We are part of the organization, being clear that our behaviors must have the nuance of Effort and dedication to be able to maintain the competitiveness of our company in a demanding world economy to guarantee our permanence over time.